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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hello World!

I am a writer and as of December 2010 I am a published author. Although I am not happy with the price of my book at least it is out there for the world to see. Eventually I will be able to have my book available at a better price than the one listed although that will be a while from now. At least I can say I did it! :) Others out there will be able to do it as well, they just have to go through the right channels and make sure that they DO NOT get caught in a scam. I have many author friends from an Amazon discussion board in the paranormal romance forum. If you are a writer trying to become an author I suggest you find this group or others and get advice from more experienced authors before taking a leap into what could be a very bad mistake. I made that mistake and only now wish I could have found these people before I had signed the contract. I was naive and did not realize what I was getting myself into. Before you step into this competative world be sure to talk to others who are in it that can help you make your way. The process is long and sometimes very hard physically and mentally, but it will all be worth it in the end.

If you would like to learn more about me I will be posting that in another area. Feel free to browse around and see what I have. I am new to this blogger as of today but I do have another blog at http://jlcampbell11.wordpress.com/

Feel free to view this one as well as there is much more information. This blog will be my new start and the other is my past. I will tell about my writing from here on out and the experiences that I have with new publishers and my wonderful author friends. ENJOY!

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