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Friday, April 29, 2011

A Brave New World

As of today I am done with the semester. I will be starting back with my writing on my second book. The first has kind of gone askew. I have to pay $299 to get my rights to my first book back and that is proving difficult to come up with since I am in such a low paying job and now I have to help my mother with her finances since she became ill. I'm working most of her shifts now because she is unable to work much. She works afternoons now and I have to come up and close for her for the last three hours of the day. This gets me home a little late at night and then I have to get my son to bed for school the next morning. In the mornings I help babysit my cousins daughter and help my grandmother with other things. The afternoons are the only time I get to work on my writing right now. Hopefully I will have the money soon so I can move on to better and brighter things. A wonderful author friend of mine has created a new cover for my book and I love it. It looks just like one of the scenes from my book. She also has her own publishing company and is looking at my book. She will tell me soon if she wants to publish it herself or not. Here's hoping and praying. :)
I have written two chapters to my second book and as I pondered them before moving on I realized that I need to make some changes to it. There are a few aspects that sound silly now that I read them and a few others that don't seem to make any sense. Back to the drawing board I guess. I like most of the ideas that flowed through my fingers as I wrote but there were some that didn't flow as well as the others. We shall see how that goes.
I have definitely entered a brave new world in publishing and with authors. I have gained many friends and acquaintances who are authors which is something I never would have thought would happen to me. They are so supportive and helpful. They are there for me no matter what. All I have to do is ask and I get several pieces of advice from several different authors. We have become more like family now, more than I could ever have dreamed. The publisher I was with became extremely rude when asked certain questions about the way they run things. They did not seem to like that very much. Even when asked legitimate questions they became hostile. I received email after email some rude, some condescending, but all contradictory. I will be glad when I am free of them. My author friends have turned me onto some other wonderful publishers including the one run by my author friend. If she decides not to take me on then I have many other wonderful avenues to try. Eventually I will find a publisher that will take it and then hopefully I can prosper better than I did with the last one. Farewell for today. :)


  1. Hi Jill -
    You should put the link for your site on the two Amazon threads.
    Your blog's font and colors are pretty, but it's kink of hard to read because of it being too small (in font). Is there any way to make it one size bigger?

    Lea Ellen

  2. Good luck with the second book. I like the new look blog :)

  3. Hello! I just popped over from the Fellow Writer's group on FB. Good luck with the new publisher. I know exactly what you mean about some publishers not liking certain questions... it's best to find that kind of thing out before you sign the contract, but it can be really tough!

    Best of luck!

    India Drummond

  4. Thanks Lea Ellen I did as you suggested and put my blog there and several other places. :) Thank you Rebecca and India for your interest and comments, and also for the luck. :) Hopefully many great things will happen from here on out.
